Geology of the Living Earth
A weeks course in the mutual evolution of man and earth
April 17th to 24th 2021 @ Leob
What’s it About?
This course comes together with a study of the newly published book by Dankmar Bosse “The Mutual Evolution of Earth and Humanity. Sketch of a Geology and Paleontology of the Living Earth” (Steiner Books, 2019).
There are no limitations to who can join. Previous knowledge in geology, geomorphology or paleontology (and in anthroposophy) is not necessary, but helpful. It is recommended though to study the book and prepare (we will give some advice on which chapters to read).
What will during the week?
a summary and overview of the books respective part will be given (lectures)
discussion about the content and
deepening a understanding of one main feature of the topic (seminar)
a presentation of some of the phenomena discussed by visiting museums (London) or having excursions and field trips to places of geological interest (workshops)
excursion and field trips to special sites to study the phenomena in the landscape (practice).
Details about the content:
Study of the polarity of basalt and granite
Evolution of landscape
Geomorphology, land forms since the ice age.
We`ll have daily indoor session (lectures, workshops, seminars) and half day excursions and some full day field trips. Cars required.
On Mull we live in shared holiday cottages in single, double or twin rooms. Or: you bring your own tent and use our campsite. Meals are self-organized within the households (bring and share food!). Some meals will be with the whole group (prepared for us) and sometimes we have a pick nick or go to a pub.
Prices for accommodation: Single room (per week) £200, double and twin £150. Camping £50.
Full course £380
(plus accommodation and food, plus traveling costs, and for instance Iona ferry and Staffa boat trip)
With: Dr Judyth Sassoon (not confirmed yet)
With: Dr. Renatus Derbidge, he studies Biology, Geography and Philosophy in Berlin, was a co-worker at the natural science section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland for seven years and now lives on the Isle of Mull as an independent researcher, author and workshop-leader. During his years in Berlin he joined many workshops and excursions with the Geologist Dr. Bosse who was very influential on his way into the Goethean scientific approach and anthroposophy.