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Program (of 2020) 




Workshops are to deepen the lectures content. Each day you can chose which one you want to attend (unless the workshop leader is continuously building something up and asks you co stay faithful to one workshop)



I: with Renatus: Observations in nature

Exercises in becoming responsible. By observations in nature and by using community building skills and circle discussion.


II: With Anna Cecilia: Elemental Beings

Exercises in becoming responsible by forming relationships with the Elemental Beings.



III: With Ryddhian: Storytelling

Exercises in becoming responsible by becoming an agent of change. Its our story, lets tell it.


IV: With Orland: Personal Growth

Exercises in becoming responsible by learning to listen to ones own heart. Climate change is a matter of how we understand ourselves as spiritual beings.


V: With Magdalena: I`m not alone, who are you?

Exercises in becoming responsible by practical group dynamics (Abenteuerpädagogik)


Initiative Forum


This open space is there for you to find like minded people to form think tanks, get creative or prepare an activity. On the last day (closing festivities) we present all initiative that are born during our week and make plans how to make sure it will strive once back home in normal life.




This short interval is to bring us back to earth and into our willing. It will involve movement, interaction, cooperation and fun!






Know Yourself! This is the ancient slogan of the Apollo temple of Delphi. It`s the way and the aim of life. It`s about personal and spiritual growth. It`s about initiation. Every knowledge, if it is not purely intellectual, makes you more connected. Knowledge and experiences that are deepening heartfelt relationships are  part of this motto. Here you find a range of events that embrace and unite spiritual growth, nature and community aspects. We believe they belong together and are, brought into harmony, the foundation of finding peace and creating peace. That is easy to say and hard to grasp. That is why we offer experiences!

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