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(and code of conduct / Vereinbarungen und  Verhaltensregeln)

In order to keep costs as low as possible the organizers, facilitators and participants dedicate themselves to the following:


- no profits (just small honorees for the workshop leaders and the organization)

- lots of volunteering (including everyone!)

- Everyone needs to help a little. For instance with cleaning jobs, cooking, washing up,  to make the camp site look nice again after the camp has ended etc.

- you need to bring your own plate, mug, knife, fork, spoon (please bring either a set which you then will donate to the Leob afterwards or a "fancy" one, that you will be able to identify your things after its been mixed with 100 others for a week :-)

- you bring your tent (must be absolutely rainproof and be able to withstand stronger winds)


We can only run the camp successfully for £210/p.P. if we have minimum of 50 participants. So you can help by finding friends to join you! Lets rock this with 100 people!


Code of Conduct/ Netiquette:


- you come in time (not later than Sunday 2nd evening)

- you leave in time (no later than Sunday 9th noon)

- you understand that an intense time of personal growth does not agree with the consummation of any kind of drugs or alcohol. Smoking cigarettes is tolerated if you tolerate non-smokers needs for fresh air (i.e. go far away from others beings and buildings). All cigarette bums are collected and properly binned.

- Open fires are only allowed in designated places.

- We have 2 showers. Use them responsibly and think about the environment by the use of hot water and the length of your shower. Also keep others in mind who might need a shower (and some hot water left in the tank) as well.

- We have the sea with crystal clear, but rather cold water. Go have a swim and a wash in the sea. Nothing more refreshing and uplifting than that!

- We have 2 eco-friendly compost toilets. Please use them. Peeing can be done in the bushes though it`s nice if not everyone needs to see you peeing.

- We have one "proper" toilet - please only use it in emergency cases, so that people who really need it (preferably women) have a chance to find it available.

We have a large washing sink area for brushing teeth, looking into the mirror, putting your towel etc.


Please don't bring (because you will not need it and find no time and desire to use them):

- your mobile phone

- hair dryer (no electricity in bathrooms and on campsite)

- condoms (this event is not for mating or reproduction but rather to meet on a respectful and spiritual level). If you find the love of your life at the camp, start dating him/her afterwards not during the camp.

- chemical soaps, we just use biodegradable soaps (including deodorants, hair conditioner, washing up liquid etc). Please bring organic and biodegradable stuff, thanks!

We don't need violence, not in words, not in action. Please always try to speak with us when in need or in joy or in anger- best, before it becomes urgent. We will listen to you!


Please bring some pocket money. We provide you with local and organic wholesome food and a basic camp site and loads of action, but not with snacks, sweet drinks, ice cream, crisps, post cards or whatsoever you might need or desire when on field trips.


Recommendations: Once you are in the are, stay a bit longer. On Mull and in Scotland wild camping is possible and campsite are available. Go for a night to Iona, have a Staffa trip (£35) or spend time visiting another island, like Skye or Lewis. Hitchhiking is quite easy in Scotland. Try it! If that's not your style, there are a lots of buses and coaches bringing you to wonderful places.



And now: Cots are £210

We will spend your financial contribution on organic, vegetarian food, towards the travel expenses of workshop leaders and to provide you with the necessary infrastructure at the camp site. No reductions possible, sorry about that! If you have ideas about fund razing for the event (so you or others can have a reduction) please tell us about it!



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