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20th to 23rd June 2024.


2 full days at the stones of Callanish, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides.


We will ask ourselves "What is a Stone Circle" in a Goethean way, which means, we will engage in shared observations and learn as such about the Stones, as about ourselves. We will explore how we perceive and think, and what the Stones have to offer today, many millennia after they have been built.

We will wake through the shortest night of the year at the Stone Circle and see the lowest full moon in 18 years rise over the sleeping beauty mountains. We will also do a midsummer inspiration walk/oracle at the stones and Lewis landscape. 


This is a free offering. Organize your own accommodation, food etc.

A voluntary cocontribution towards my expenses would be much appreciated.

We meet at the Stones:

Thursday 20th 5pm (introduction, coordinate what we will do, initiatives? questions? first seminar and observations)

Friday 10am for a walk to other stone circle of the Callanish complex including the newly discovered Circle Nr. 10

Friday night for the whole night (moon observation)

Saturday for a trip to other Lewis sights

Saturday 4pm for the inspiration walk (Oracle) to perceive the gifts of midsummer and

Sunday 10am to share our experiences (ends noon).




Voices from participants of the Summer School 2021:


“Following my heart & intuition; from the very first moment everything we did on Summer School confirmed that I was at the right time in the right place!” (RS)


“Being and doing together with real people at last, after 'lockdown' year- was the best thing. Felt very blessed and happy, to be with such inspiring, kind, beautiful souls. Exciting, international vibe. Warm, vibrant, enquiring, family atmosphere, all generations welcome and present. Wildflowers wandering everywhere and homely animal friends too. Seeing puffins for the first time on Staffa- sensational! Altogether, a great adventure exploring the aims of anthroposophy creatively, in a natural, unstuffy environment and marvelling at treading in the footsteps of the great Mr. Dunlop!” (EW)


“Despite all Corona complications, I was able to calm down the outer waves and let grow something inside which I felt could reach out to the companions of the summer school.”  (CB)


“The current chaos in the world gave it an extra edge and meaning. A great group of diverse but in some ways like-minded people. We managed to create quite a powerful vessel for renewal and insight.” (JH)


“Observe nature and the landscape, create and share in the group the way we did it, has been eye opening for me. A renewal of the self through these practices.” (GP)




Know Yourself! This is the ancient slogan of the Apollo temple of Delphi. It`s the way and the aim of life. It`s about personal and spiritual growth. It`s about initiation. Every knowledge, if it is not purely intellectual, makes you more connected. Knowledge and experiences that are deepening heartfelt relationships are  part of this motto. Here you find a range of events that embrace and unite spiritual growth, nature and community aspects. We believe they belong together and are, brought into harmony, the foundation of finding peace and creating peace. That is easy to say and hard to grasp. That is why we offer experiences!

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